Allows you to request the pickup of a previously created order or update it if the order already has a request previously assigned
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For cases in which the order was previously created, and there is no associated pickup request, it is possible to request a pickup for the order. To do this, it will be enough to consume the web service sending as a parameter the JSON object where the guide number must be specified and include the object of type pickupRequest.
The process for the collection request is as follows:
The order can be created from the createOrder web service including from that moment a collection request, where if you wish you can specify a tentative date and time where the sender intends to make the collection visit.
It is also possible to generate pickup requests for orders that have been created without a prior request, through the pickupRequest web service. This service also allows you to update to a new collection request with new data in those cases where your order already has a previous request (In case the order process is still in a stage that still allows modification).
Name Description Service name pickupRequest EndPoint Headers Method POST Parameters JsonObject see: The guide object
RequestTo carry out the consumption of the service for assign a picking request of an existing order it is necessary to send a json object of guide type and it requires the filling of the following fields:
Field name Type MaxLength Required Comments guideList Guide array Guide array Required It is the array of tracking numbers assigned to the shipment that you like to be collected. pickupRequest PickupRequest PickupRequest Required In this object you must provide the data of the date on which the collection is required. To request a pickup through the order creation API, it is necessary to include a pickupRequest object (see object definition) in the json object of the request used to create the order.
Child objectsThe guide object contains sub-objects of which the filling of the following values is required
Guide(Array)It is an array of objects where you can request from 1 to n collections in a single consumption of the web service
Field Name Type Maxlength Required Comments guideNumber String 30 Required It is the tracking number assigned to the shipment order
Field Name Type Maxlength Required Comments pickUpExpectationDateTime String 20 Optional It is possible to specify a tentative date and time of collection. However, this date can be automatically modified on our server for any of the following reasons: the specified time or date is not within a possible range to make the collection.
If you do not include the field to specify the tentative date and time of collection, our system will automatically schedule the date with the first available.observations String 500 Optional Used to specify any recommendations about the pickupRequest that helps to make easy the pickup
When the consumption is done, the API will return an object with the following characteristics
Successful response
Guide(Array)In this list you will receive Guide type objects that will each include its assigned PickupRequest
Field Name Type MaxLength Comment pickupRequest pickupRequest - The field: pickUpRequestDate is used to return you the real date when the pickup was scheduled.
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Field Name Type Commens pickUpExpectationDateTime String It is the date you suggested the collection observations String Comments received on the request pickUpRequestDate String This field is used to return you the real date when the pickup was scheduled.
In this object our web service will return the date on which the collection has been scheduled. Since the date you send is a suggestion, it is important that you verify this information because there is the possibility that they are different.
However, it is important that you contact your account executive, who will inform you of the operational details and possible ranges from pickup schedules.
Failed ResponsewsErrors elements
Field Name Type Commens id Integer Error id code String Error code type Integer Severity of the error description String Description with more details of the detected error