

This API allows you to obtain the tracking history of one or more orders using your external reference to Hound Express. The history provides a detailed breakdown of the tracking of each order.

For example, you can search for orders using references from Estafeta or 99 Minutes, among other parcels.


If you need help don't forget to use our artificial intelligence

Our API provides you with a tool that allows you to consult the list of events that have been registered for the order within our system.



To carry out the consumption of the service for the creation of the order it is necessary to send a JSON object or array of JSON objects of the guide type and it requires the filling of the following fields:

You can send an array of objects instead of a single object, in which case you should also get an array of objects in the response, corresponding to each one of the guideNumbers sent.

Field nameTypeMaxLengthRequiredComments
guideNumberString30RequiredIt is the guideNumber assigned to the shipment order
flagInteger9OptionalIf you send this field with a value = 1 you will track as reference and the service return all registers found with that value, in which case the response would be an object array.
NOTE: if you send this field value as 1 within an object inside an array, the response should be one array inside another (for each object with this value set to 1).

If you would like to track multiple guides on just one request you could send a JSON array



Successful response

The Guide.resultDetails is an array of objects where you will found the information about the history of the tracking

Field NameTypeMaxLengthComment
IdInteger9Sequential number sorted by the time where the events occurs
CodeString20short Code of the event
DescriptionString30Large description about the event
DateString20Date Time when the event has been reported
AuxBaseObject-Aditional information in cases when the event has more data to show


Failed Response

wsErrors elements

Field NameTypeCommens
idIntegerError id
codeStringError code
typeIntegerSeverity of the error
descriptionStringDescription with more details of the detected error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!